If ever there was a time to get your ass down and do something for this great city and our culture, the time is right fucking now. Get your ass down to Belmont and help stop the machine. Do what ever you can in a LAWFUL manner by way of peaceful protest. We stress LAWFUL manner. Anything else would only help the cause of the developers. They are pulling a dishonest trick by going ahead with the demolition even though they do not have the permits to do so. FUCK THAT NOISE!!!.
"The battle is not over. Even though they do not have a building permit, it looks like the developer is going to try to move forward with the demolition and just accept any fines or citations that might come with it. People are there now, and we are trying to get the City to take more serious action. We need to be on site Wed. Am until dusk. If anybody can schedule themselves for an hour or two, we can get the whole day scheduled. Pick a two hour block when you can help stand guard and post it here. We will see if we can get the whole day filled in." - Stash
If you even have a lunch break available... go down there and help stop the machines.