The 50mm Los Angeles
Online Blackbook (BETA)
This online blackbook was inspired by Tommie Frazier's real life 50mm Blackbook project. Register and hit a page up.

How it works:
" This is a BETA version of the blackbook meaning you might encounter some errors and bugs. SCREENSHOT your shit if you want to be extra cautious. If you encounter an error and want to help, send us an email stating in detail what errors you encountered or how this thing can be improved. Email: blackbook@50mmlosangeles.com
" Every Registered user gets 8 pages in the blackbook to hit. You can see your pages on your profile page.
" Use the wonderfully intuitive drawing tools to bust your shit.
" Firewall software must be turned OFF
" Internet Explorer or Safari
" You must have the Shockwave Plugin. Shockwave is free. Click here to download Shockwave.