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Writer Spotlight: Luxer LGF SOB I2W

Interview by Aprocks
50mm Staff Writer

It’s Monday June 27 a late night and I’m on the 710 heading into the South
Bay. The freeway is calm and almost empty. I’m on my way to meet up with
one of the city’s most active bombers. You’ve seen the name on the
freeways, at yards, on street walls, billboards and the like. There is no doubt
that this cat is putting in work, I’m talking about Luxer LGF I2W SOB.

Aprocks: First of all to begin this so everyone is clear as to what were doing
here, state your name and the street families you represent.

Luxer: Luxer one, I2W LGF SOB

Aprocks: What are some of the illest meanings for your crews and how do
they represent you and your graff?

Luxer: S.O.B, stands for Straight Out Bombing, that represents everything
that I am, a straight out bomber. I.2.W because I’m In this shit 2 Win this shit
and LGF….Let God Forgive me for everything I’ve done.

Aprocks: Do you feel you stand out amongst other writers in LA, and if so
how do make yourself stand out?

Luxer: Well, I hope that I stand out. That¹s the whole point of doing this, to be
noticed. Honestly I don¹t know if I can say I do, that¹s for the people to
decide. The best way for me to assume that I stand out is by hitting
everywhere and anything I can hit. I try not to focus on one area, I try to
spread it around, hit the most areas I can.

Aprocks: Word, word... Ok, so I have read threads and have also heard you
mention the fact that a lot of peeps don’t show you much love. Why do you
think that is?

Luxer: Well, there is a lot of cats that don’t show me love, I guess its because
I am new in the game, its like when a person is coming up it seems that
every body looks at it like, will he last or not? You know they try and push
your buttons and shit. Like when I was barely coming up some writers would
cap my spots, and I see them around now and they kinda show respect now.
But when I was barely coming out they looked at my spots as whatever
spots and like this fool ain’t going anywhere. So you know, I guess that’s just
the way it is when your coming out.

Aprocks: Yea, I get you on that tip…well let me ask a basic question, who
and what has the most influence on your graffiti?

Luxer: Shit…. the most influence? hmm… Well to tell you the truth it would
have to be my crew SOB (Sons Of Bin Laden), because we’re all maturing at
the same time, we all came up at the same time, it’s the people around me
that are the most influential.

Aprocks: You know there are always haters out there for anyone that is
killing shit, so with that in mind, when you’re out mobbing do the haters make
you want to rock harder and kill more spots as a big “fuck you” to them, or is
that even something you think about?

Luxer: I would have to say it’s a little of both. When fools hate on me, my
main goal is to annoy them, if they see me up all the time I think that would be
annoying to them. If somebody doesn’t like me and I kinda know where they
live, I’ll fucken hit all their neighborhood up. If I know their routine to work, I’ll
fucken hit every street they take to work just to annoy them. But haters or
not I’m gonna still be doing this you know?

Aprocks: Haha yea yea…. Alright, simply put… WHY do you write?

Luxer: That’s a good question, right now I do it for the destruction. Writing is
just my drug right now. When I’m stressed out the only way I can relieve
myself is writing, you know? That’s one of the main reasons. I mean I
actually do it cause I love it. I have had it in me since I was small. I fucken
love it so that’s why I do it.

Aprocks: I hear your going to be one of the many artists to come out in The
Act of the Aftermath DVD, what do you think that says about your graffiti and
how does that make you feel being a part of something like that?

Luxer: When Bastard Artist asked me to be a part of his project, I was like
fuck yea! For someone to ask me to be in their film, it made me think that
fools are recognizing what I’m doing, I feel like I must be doing something
right. I’m an upcoming writer so all that kind of little shit tells me I’m going in
the right direction. It’s a positive feeling for me.

Aprocks: That’s cool and very true. I feel that in most DVD’s the featured
artists should always be the kids who are current and killing and in my
opinion your definitely one of them kids. So on that note, who else do you feel
that’s out there rocking the streets, who are you giving props right now?

Luxer: Shooooot….. There are a lot of cats…. and I’m not going to be like
everyone else and not give props. I’m not trying to hide it and try and be hard
and shit…I give it up to MTA KOG BRUCLKS WAI CBS NBC NCT LOL UPN
CA LAW UTI BLA ICK K4P .These are the crews i see up the most while im
out at night putting in work.

Aprocks: Hellz yea, the new CBS crop is sick, and of course the NCT’s
always doing it right! I’ve seen your name up on countless freeways, street
spots, yards, back alleys, and billboards. So what would you say gives you
the best rush after the paints dry… Which type of spot?

Luxer: My favorite type of spot would have to be a spot that anybody can just
walk up to and touch. That’s the best to me, the spot that is closest to the
public, that’s the one that gets my shit going.

Aprocks: Hellz yea, that spot that breaks your neck as you drive by, haha I
like that! What is your opinion on legals? Love ‘em or hate ‘em?

Luxer: Both.

Aprocks: Why is that?

Luxer: Some people just do legals and that’s an easy way to get their
recognition and that’s also a way to take your style further, doing something
that you cant get away with on the street. I really think that you need to gain
street credibility before becoming a legal writer. Once you have done your
dirt and have done it all city and then choose to become a legal writer, that’s
all love. But for those who come right off the bat and do legals and that’s all
they do, they get no love from me, You know?

Aprocks: When did you come to the conclusion that graffiti was something
that you wanted to be a part of?

Luxer: It would have to have been my last high school year or maybe my
sophomore year. Graffiti was always around me, my friends were involved in
graffiti and one day my home boy let me borrow his book and I tried to do shit
in the book and found out that I was kinda good at it. Well at least better than
most of the peeps in that book. From then on I hooked up with a local city
crew, started tagging around doing some bullshit and now I’ve started to take
it to a more serious level.

Aprocks: Cool cool, so who or what would cause you to stop writing?

Luxer: As of right now there isn’t anything that could stop me, especially with
the way I am going right now, but you never know. It would have to have
something to do with family or real close friends to cause me to stop. But for
right now I can’t see anything else stopping me.

Aprocks: If you stopped writing tomorrow what one spot would you want
people to remember you for?

Luxer: I don’t think that I hit it yet. There isn’t one yet that made me step back
and say hell yea I got that shit!

Aprocks: Alright any final props, shouts and such?

Luxer: Props to the three crews I’m from: SOB I2W LGF and anyone
affiliated with them. Props to anybody cool with me, and all the homies. Props
to all y’all!

Posted 09.16.05 by AProcks

50mm poll...

What is more important to the longevity of graffiti?
Unity amongst all writers.
Low pro spots-keeping it under the radar.
Going all out and bankrupting the system.

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