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Writer Spotlight: Sex NCT VS

Interview by Jimmy Olsen
50mm Staff Writer

Jimmy Olsen: WHY do you write? What causes you to go out and bomb?

In the beginning I used to write for the defiance of the law.. as the days and months and years passed everything changed.. I started to grow and I started to learn about graff. I started to see alot of dope shit around... Now I don't do it for defiance... For about the past 4 years everything totally changed and I just basically do it to prove to myself that I can rock hard spots.. I love it... mostly do it for the fucken rush... Sometimes I can't believe how I still feel the rush after about 6 years of doing this.. I fucken love it!

Jimmy Olsen: Where did you first find out about graffiti?

Sex: I was surrounded with graffiti.. Always seeing mad tags and bombs outlines everything in East LA I grew up seeing alot of graffiti done by taggers or gangsters I always saw graff... At times when I would go with my parents to downtown I would always be looking out the window looking up at heavens overpassess and rooftops and see mad pieces and bombs everywhere...

Jimmy Olsen: What inspired you to write?

Sex: First I was just being a knuckle head man.. Thats all.. A kid with mad time on his hands.. A kid that didn't give a shit about what his parents or what the law said.. Slowly I started seeing alot of crazy shit.. Crazy spots by heads like Ayer, Zes, and Ozie. I saw some dope pieces by Mae Dae when he used to have some rooftops.... Revok... that huge ass Saber piece in the river bed, and back at home I was seeing a lot of Soloe Gray Spair Dism do mad fucken damage... Can't forget Chaka and Oiler.... I saw alot of shit around here in East LA.. It was great. The high spots for sure pushed me to my limits.. Seeing bridges and billboards being done up. I was like fucken trippin out on shit man.. Like how the hell do they do it without getting busted? I said to myself that one day I wanted to rock spots that where that crazy.. And thats when it all started!

Jimmy Olsen: I have noticed that you like hitting billboards and you do a very good job of it. Is there any particular reason for that? Do you hit ones with certain ad campaigns?

Sex: I love to climb billboards. It's a trip to see how the city looks from different heights. Being up there is a whole different experience. I started to climb them about 2 years ago. Thats about the time when I said fuck this I'm gonna climb I wanna fuck billboards up. Its on. Billboards tend to run for a good while if you get the right ones. I love to hit billboards that have beer advertisements or ones that have girls on them. Shit is ill. I love rocking the billies.

Jimmy Olsen: What is your strategy for being up. do you have a plan or is it more opportunistic or random in nature?

Sex: Most of the time I have a plan I know what I am going to hit... Sometimes even if you have a plan it doesn't go good. It might be that at the certain time that you wanna get a spot it is hot or there are people there. So thats when it turns into random shit. Sometimes you're just driving and you see a spot and its like fuck it lets get that. Sometimes being random is best. Gotta jump around not just stay in one area.

Jimmy Olsen: What do you think about graffitti on the internet? Do you think that it devalues it or is it nourishing for the culture?

Sex: Graffiti on the internet is cool to a certain extent cause it gives people from other cities and other countries a chance to see what goes on in LA. It's dope cause alot of people can't afford to come to LA but are curious and want to see the graff. But it also has its downs because the fucken cops can use it to gather evidence. It's easier for them in a way... but fuck em..

Jimmy Olsen: Where do you want to take this in the future, and how long do you want to keep doing this?

Sex: I want to keep doing this for as long as I can. I love it man. Gotta keep rocking the spots. The higher the better. It's addictive.

Jimmy Olsen: where do you see yourself in life and in graffiti in 5 years? Ten years?

Sex: I plan to be a school teacher. That's what I'm studying for I wanna be succesful in life, I wanna have a family.. wanna have kids, wanna have a dope ride my own crib.. You know travel all over the place make some money. Maybe start up a food place with the homie. With graff I wanna do it as long as I can. I see myself doing it for a good minute. Even if it's legal I'm gonna be rocking alot of legals in the future.. I just got down for Visions Crew and thats all I do with them just productions and legals. As for hitting crazy spots like billboards and shit like that dont know.... Five more years maybe 10 who knows. I will definitely slow down once the kids come. Can't exactly pin point how long I will be rocking spots like that. But as of now I'm gonna try and keep smashing them bills.

Jimmy Olsen: Seriously... What is going to make you stop graffiti?

Sex: Stop? I don't think anything will make me stop.. Maybe slow down yes... but not stop completely... I'm always gonna be hitting something. Even when I am an old fucker I'm gonna be doing legals or hitting scribes you know... I've got alot of love for those older heads that got a fam and still catch streaks here and there or scribes or go out and hit trains or even some that smash on shit still. That's love. Keep rocking!

Jimmy Olsen: Shouts, final words...?

Sex: I Wanna add that graffiti ain't about beef or proving yourself to somebody by beefing it. It's about getting dope fucken spots. The higher the better. The more you climb the more scared you might be but the doper the spot is gonna be just remember that! Just wanna send shout outs to all the 50MM staff. Thanks for this interview. Thanks for being some cool ass mothafucking heads. To all my homies from my crew NCT and to the homies from VS I got mad love for all you foos. And to all the homies you know who you guys are. All you that are around me 24 / 7 and keep in touch love you foo's! Too many to mention you guys know who you are so dont feel bad! R.I.P OVER & SERN I miss you foos! Be yourself and fuck what everyone else thinks. You can hate me but I won't stop now!

Posted 05.3.05 by Jimmy Olsen

50mm poll...

What is more important to the longevity of graffiti?
Unity amongst all writers.
Low pro spots-keeping it under the radar.
Going all out and bankrupting the system.

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